One Girl and her Thermie

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How to purchase a Thermomix®?


Thermomix Offers 2021 Q1

I always believe that the Thermomix is the real deal, and anything else is just extra, but for completeness and transparency, here are the Thermomix offers for 2021 Q1 from January to March.

March 2021:

Available from Tuesday 2nd March to Monday 15th March, we launched the ‘Love at First Bite Weaning’ bundle for £1082.

The bundle contained:

????An amazing new cookbook, Love at First Bite: My Weaning Journey cookbook launched this month. Starting your weaning journey with your baby is an exciting time and with the help of your Thermomix®, it can be a truly fuss-free adventure filled with delicious food for both you and your little one. These recipes will take you through all three stages of weaning and give your baby the opportunity to explore many different flavours and textures. We want to foster a love of food in your baby from day one, and your Thermomix® is here to help you achieve that.
???? Elephant bamboo plate
???? 2 sets x weaning spoons
???? 4 x weaning pots
???? Weaning bib

The cost-saving here was the price of the new Cookbook, £25 and the entire bundle is worth £58.

The Thermomix TM6 remained at £1149, but you were paying an extra £33 for the bundle.

February 2021: 

For purchases in February 2021, the offer was a Thermomix TM6 and a Thermomix Friend for £1499.

The cost of the Thermomix remained at £1149, but the additional £350 meant you got the Thermomix Friend and second bowl at a massive discount which is where the £179 saving can be seen.

When the Thermomix Friend is launched to existing customers, it will be priced at £369 for the Thermomix Friend AND £529 for the Thermomix Friend plus second bowl.

Once again Thermomix TM6 remained at £1149, but you were paying an extra £350 for the bundle.

January 2021:

For any purchases of Thermomix this month, customers had the opportunity to purchase an additional 3-years manufacturer’s warranty for £49 giving you a 5-year peace of mind. The Thermomix TM6 usually comes with a two-year warranty, so this add on (usually priced at £149) was a £100 saving for the bundle.

So our Thermomix TM6 remained at £1149, but you were paying an extra £49 for the bundle.

Thermomixing with Kids

This is the recording of our Thermomixing with kids class on Saturday 20th February 2021.

As this was primarily a Thermomix Owners Class, we invited our team customer base to cook along with us. Customers didn’t have to make all the recipes, but I highly suggested that they made the pizza and tomato sauce in advance, so they cook along with us. We were joined by our own kids to show how easy it is to cook with a Thermomix even if you are young.

For those who have yet to have a Thermomix TM6 in their kitchen (or kids), don’t worry. My team of Advisors will be ran through each recipe step by step, explaining what we are doing and why you want one of these babies in your kitchen. Join sit back with a  cup of coffee or glass of wine in the comfort of your home, while we showcase the wonders of Thermomix.

I’ll be asking everyone who joins us in the Cook-a-long to upload their photos on social media with the hashtag #onegirlinthemix (@onegirlinthemix) AND #thermomix_east_london (@thermomix_east_london) so we can see your fabulous creations. There may even be a prize for the winning photo ;o)

Do come back to me with feedback on the class, we’d love to hear your comments and also suggestions for future virtual classes. You can do this either by replying to my email, of if you would like to share your feedback publicly, you can do this via this Google link.

Finally, whilst these classes are offered free and to Thermomix customers, during the lockdown, I’m personally asking if you are able to give a donation then please do. I am supporting a charity that helps feeds people. The Trussell Trust has pledged to stop people from going hungry across the country. With more than 1,200 food bank centres across its network, the charity will spend any donations on getting meals to those who need them most right now.  At times like this, I am more aware of those not as fortunate as we may be, so request if you can spare a pound, two or ten, to stop help UK poverty and hunger, then please donate here: 

We look forward to seeing you at the next Cooking Class.

If you would like to book a demonstration or find out more, please contact me on or call/text/ WhatsApp me on 07977 563537.

Thermomix and Thermomix Friend

Why it’s important to buy a Thermomix through an Advisor

Since the lockdown, one is able to purchase a Thermomix TM6 (not the customer offers) online via the Thermomix website. However, I do not recommend this. It is important to buy a Thermomix through an Advisor. This article gives you all the reasons why.

You as a customer pay the same price. You are financially the same whether you buy online or via an Advisor BUT the benefits buying via the Advisor network outweigh an online purchase.

Why buying through an Advisor is beneficial to you?

  1. We are historically and continue to be a direct sales channel. I’m sure we all remember well-established door-to-door companies like Avon or Amway. Well, Vorwerk is a direct sales company too and the third-largest in the world. A direct sales approach to marketing and distribution means that when you enquire about a Thermomix, attend a demonstration or buy a Thermomix by an Advisor, you are treated like a king (or queen). Thermomix Advisors are all self-employed and running our businesses to the best of our ability. Each enquiry means the world to us. It’s our name, our reputation, and long-term business at stake so we treat you with respect, honesty, and transparency. I believe customers appreciate that.
  2. Thermomix demonstrations and cooking experiences, which are normally face-to-face but currently virtual are not only important but essential.  Can you imagine walking into a store, looking at a Thermomix on display, and dropping £1000 down? No, you will walk away. A demonstration shows you the full functionality of the Thermomix and how it can be used in your kitchen. It’s personalised to make sure you get the most out of your Thermomix investment.
  3. Even if you are a previous Thermomix owner and know it already, there’s value in seeing a new demonstration. How many times have I heard the fact that one is a Thermomix owner, but only uses it once or twice? The value of being with an Advisor like me is that I regularly host virtual cooking experiences and with my team run cooking classes. Being attached to an Advisor means that you will have access to these events all the time, for the longevity of your ownership. So even if you have a Thermomix TM31 or TM5 and thinking about an upgrade, have a demonstration to understand the reasons why you should or shouldn’t be upgrading. I don’t believe in upselling at all. If you already have a Thermomix and it’s right for you to upgrade, I will tell you that. If it isn’t, I will also advise that.
  4. Thermomix Advisors understand the long-term benefits of owning a Thermomix. Most Thermomix Advisors are owners first and foremost, and then became Advisors or Consultants due to their love & passion for Thermomix and wanting to share it. We understand that most customers have excitement and a honeymoon period when first buying a gadget or appliance, but we also have experience of the long-term relationship with your Thermomix. We speak from experience when we tell you, you should never put your Thermomix away in a closet or cabinet. It should be on your counter-top so you will use it every day. Unlike most other appliances, once you use it daily, you will use it multiple times. The Thermomix is an appliance that usage increases over time.
  5. Post-purchase, your Thermomix Advisor is your first point of contact. This can include anything from helping you set up your Thermomix with a welcome visit, going through some new user hints & tips in a follow-up phone call, hosting a demonstration for your friends and family to ensure you get referral & host incentives. I am here to offer suggestions for your first recipes in a Thermomix to help you menu plan for the week.  I’ve also been called and left voice messages from clients asking if this ‘noise’ sounded normal, only to call them back and be told the recipe was delicious.


Thermomix Advisors are ready to help you, answer questions from you. You might contact us by phone, email, or  WhatsApp, via our social media accounts, or simply be referred to us via one of our clients. As our Thermomix Businesses are our own businesses, we are also available 24/7 and not restricted to weekday office hours. We do whatever it takes for you to have a positive experience from enquiry to purchase and post-sales follow-up. And because we know that the Thermomix is a lifetime purchase, we are committed to our 5-star service throughout your ownership.


All Advisor are self-employed. We share with your our time, our experience, our expertise, and our passion for Thermomix. We are not employed on a salary. We only earn commissions when a customer purchases a Thermomix and acknowledges us as their Advisor.  So please, if you have a demonstration, in-person or virtually, then please go back to the Advisor to complete your purchase. If you don’t have an Advisor, then I would be more than happy to look after you.

Our biggest reward isn’t a financial one. It’s a happy Thermomix owner.

If you would like to book a demonstration or find out more, please contact me using the online form on my website or email on or call/text/ WhatsApp me on 07977 563537.


Espresso Martini

Espresso Martini is what you make for after dinner drinks, or when you need a pick-me-up but don’t want to fall behind the pack on a night out and here’s a simple recipe to make in your Thermomix.

The Espresso Martini was invented by the famous bartender Dick Bradsell, as a peculiar request from a British top model in his London bar in 1983.⁣

The espresso martini is a cold, coffee-flavored cocktail made with vodka, espresso coffee, coffee liqueur, and sugar syrup. It is not a true martini as it contains neither gin nor vermouth, but is one of many drinks that incorporate the term into their names

It’s got a jolt of caffeine with creamy flavour and a buzz of booze. It’s a true classic to kick back with! ⁣

TM6 Bundle

Thermomix Black Friday

Buy a Thermomix TM6 and TM5 Bundle for only £1599
Available from today to 30th November (or while stocks last) we have created the Ulitmate Black Friday Bundle. Buy one, get the second half-price.

There are so many reasons that this offer is fabulous, that it would take me forever to list them but I’ll try.

  • Perhaps one Thermomix isn’t enough and a second one might come in handy if you are…
  • Are you are a large family and could do with the extra capacity of two bowls with two machines?
  • Do you have someone at home who has special diets/allergies who have to be cooked a separate meal? Two TMs cooking side by side cooking would be a great time saver.
  • Do you love to batch cook? Half your time in the kitchen?
  • Are you staying home for Christmas? And have to do all the cooking yourself? Treat yourself.
  • Do you have a second home/boat/caravan/motorhome? Here’s your chance to have one in each residence without the faff of having to transport them back and forth.
  • Can you share the bundle – one for you and the other for a friend? Maybe one for you and one for your sibling?
  • Are you a small business owner and could benefit from a Thermomix in your home and place of work?
  • Are you a chef or restaurant and could benefit from two Thermomixes at a steal!
    Do you have a son or daughter who’s just settling into their new home? Perfect housewarming gift.
  • Or is someone about to have a baby? What a wonderful gift for someone expecting.
  • Do you have a child who has just started university? Or in their second/ third year in self-catering accommodation?
  • Do you have a family member who would love a Thermomix but wouldn’t buy one themselves?
  • Or do you simply want to upgrade? Keep both with 2-year warranties and 12-months Cookidoo?
    The reasons are endless.

So, I apologize in advance if you’ve already spent your Black Friday budget. This offer was too good not to share. Available whilst stocks last.

Note: Each Thermomix comes with a 6-months Cookidoo subscription, 2-year warranty, and lifetime support with me as your dedicated Advisor. All purchases come with an offer of a virtual demonstration and a welcome visit.

This is Advisor exclusive and can only be purchased via our Advisor portal. So please, come back to me with any questions or if you’d like to proceed with a purchase, while stocks last. Finance plan also available for domestic sales.

Contact me on or call/ text/Whatsapp on 07977 563537.

Thermomix TM6 Polish Class

Thank you for attending the Thermomix Polish class. I hope you enjoyed it. I have always wanted to do language-specific classes with my team, and even though my husband is Polish (hence my surname, Stopa), I have never had a team big enough to pull this off. I’m delighted we finally did.

Now that I have a growing team of Polish Advisors, we are able to host cooking classes for our current and future customer base. It was their first time doing a Cooking Class and I think they did brilliantly, especially since none of them have met in person yet but all of this was done remotely. Magda is my longest-standing Advisor and has been demonstrating for nearly 4 years, whereas Monika joined in April this year and Mariola just last month; both trained during the lockdown.

Here are the Cookidoo recipes the girls demonstrated on Zoom. 

I appreciate we sent invitations via email, Facebook, and WhatsApp, so it would be great as a follow-up if you could let me know how else we can help you? 

  • Are you a Thermomix Owner already? 
  • Which model?
  • Do you already have an Advisor, is it one of my team? I’d be happy to put you in touch with one of my team if you are what we call an orphan customer (i.e. an owner without an Advisor).
  • What other types of class would you like to see us do?

Many customers become Advisors for the love of Thermomix, and we have weekly opportunities to join the Thermomix team. Some join the Thermomix business, like me, for the pure love and passion for sharing Thermomix with anyone who will hear about it. Others join it to start a new business opportunity or add additional income, especially relevant now with job uncertainty and furlough schemes being stopped shortly. Some join to simply reduce the cost of their Thermomix on our Earn and Demonstrate program and stay on.

If you are interested in joining the business as an Advisor, please let me know. Joining our growing Thermomix team has never been easier, with remote training, a loan Thermomix and full support throughout your earn and demonstrate challenge. 

Full details about training and the Advisor role, but if you need to fill any gaps in, have a read of my website and have a look at my socials below. 

If you would like to book a demonstration or find out more, please contact me on or call/text/ WhatsApp me on 07977 563537.

Thermomix TM6 virtual demonstration

Watch this recorded demonstration of my live Thermomix TM6 virtual demonstration on Friday 23rd October 2020. Thank you to those who attended and asked so many valuable questions that made the cooking times in between go so fast.

Please find below the recipes we cooked together today.

I’ll pop the photos of the end results in my social media feeds this afternoon.

I also encourage you to register for Cookidoo,, and see the scope of the recipes you can cook with Thermomix. The first 30 days are free, and should you buy a Thermomix, you get a 6-months subscription with it.

Should you have any questions following this or would like to place an order, please do come back to me. All orders do need to be placed via an Advisors and I am here to support you throughout your Thermomix journey, as your Advisor, should you decide to purchase. 

I am an Independent Advisor, so I pride myself on honesty and looking after my customer base to the best of my ability. You can read my reviews on my Google page here.

If you would like to book a demonstration or find out more, please contact me on or call/text/ WhatsApp me on 07977 563537.