One Girl and her Thermie

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How to purchase a Thermomix®?

How much have you saved during the pandemic?

If you have managed to save during the pandemic, then have you considered a Thermomix?

Brits are saving a higher proportion of their income due to the current pandemic, a new study finds. It has revealed that due to the social restrictions that have been in place during the lockdown, the average Brit has been able to save £495 per month (an increase of £273 compared to their monthly savings pre-pandemic).

According to the data, during the lockdown, the average UK adult has saved £178 per month on recreational and cultural activities, such as going to the cinema or going out for drinks with friends. The data also shows the average adult has saved £142 per month on restaurant meals and £121 per month on hotels or holiday accommodation.

The increased number of people working remotely has also had an impact on savings, as the average adult has managed to save £92 per month on commuting costs.

The research has also revealed that the temporary closure of gyms and sports facilities has helped to reduce spending habits, as the average adult has saved £54 per month on their membership during the pandemic.

It’s no wonder that during this time, people are considering Thermomix purchases more and more. At £1149, I appreciate it is a considered investment, many who have been hesitant have jumped on the opportunity to save time in the kitchen while locked down, home working whilst homeschooling.

If you don’t know already, a Thermomix is the ultimate kitchen appliance with over 20 different functions. Make delicious, healthy and nutritious meals in the comfort of your home.

Here are some testimonials from my latest clients (taken from Google reviews):

Buying a Thermomix was the best idea of my life. All family was quite skeptical, almost everyone was complaining about how expensive it was and that I wouldn’t use it much. I received my Thermomix 7-weeks ago and I can say that these 7-weeks have been completely life-changing.
I love to cook, but unfortunately, my professional life never allowed me much time for that pleasure. My daily routine used to include ordering take away at least twice.  In the past 7-weeks, I have cooked everything from bread to yogurts, cheese, spreads, and the most delicious recipes. My close family is in love, and my friends, although still skeptical about the Thermomix, but see plenty of advantages. In 7-weeks, I have not bought any processed food, take-away orders disappeared, and the only “outside meals” were done for social motives. It’s practical, economic, and my new best friend.” Sara C

I contacted Ankita because I have been interested in purchasing a Thermie for a while and I wanted to get a demonstration before making this investment. Ankita was so helpful with my queries and we scheduled a demonstration at my home. The demo was very informative and we cooked some great food. Purchasing my Thermie was a great investment – it’s an expensive item but well worth it. My family eat a wider variety of food now, we never waste anything and we use it every day. It’s so easy to use and saves a lot of time for me, especially when I also have to care for my 8-month-old! I would highly recommend Ankita and I would not be without my Thermie now! Karen Y

As we have spent quite a lot of time at home during the lockdown, we have made the conscious decision of eating healthy while exploring new dishes. I have come across Thermomix before but was very hesitant to take the plunge. While researching it, I found Ankita and reached out to her. She was very lovely and gave me all the preliminary information that I needed over the phone and provided some video where I could see the device in action. Also offered me two options: a further live virtual demo over a video call where she cooks and I watch or I could purchase the device with 2 weeks refund guarantee and her walking me through each step of a meal via a video call. We have opted for the second option as it would give us the opportunity to learn from her and further experiment ourselves during the 2 weeks period of time. Although I was skeptical in the beginning, Thermomix proved itself to be a worthy investment. Made me try new recipes (fairly healthy ones as well) and encouraged me to make things that I wouldn’t normally dare. Thank you for showing things and taking my culinary skills to the next level! Beyza G
Although this research reflects increased savings levels for those who are fortunate enough to still be in employment, we understand that not everyone has been so lucky in these difficult times. My team has also grown during the pandemic and I welcome anyone in London and the surrounding areas to join me in my Thermomix adventure.

With many individuals across all sectors being furloughed and or made redundant, especially in the restaurant and catering industry, people are looking at new opportunities to supplement their incomes. Some Advisors have joined the team and the Thermomix business to earn an income to supplement their main career, others have joined purely to earn and demonstrate their Thermomix for personal use. My team consists of men and women, some who work full-time and part-time with careers such as in the medical and health industry, banking and accountancy, surveying, aviation as well as those who are stay-at-home parents, looking to do something in and around their family life.

Whatever the reason, we have had a huge success in recruiting this year with remote training and remote cooking demonstrations, enabling those who previously didn’t have the time to travel to our branch offices or take time off work, are now able to fit the training in around their work or family life.

We have had real success in the team too, with most of the newcomers earning their Thermomixes in their 3 month period and enjoying the business opportunity so much that they have stayed on.  Read one of their testimonials below.

“Becoming an Advisor didn’t take much convincing! My love affair with Thermomix started back in 2013 when I was living in Sydney, Australia. I was turning 30 and my mother-in-law was asking for a gift idea. I hadn’t even been to a demo or really seen one in action but a Thermomix’s reputation proceeds it wherever in the world you find yourself! Now seven years later, back living in London with growing mouths to feed, my Thermomix has become my extra pairs of hands that I need to ensure a delicious, nutritious, and stress-free meal gets put on the table each day. Whilst my TM31 was great, the TM6 has taken my love affair onto a whole new level! I couldn’t justify upgrading when my old one still did the job perfectly well but I just couldn’t stop thinking bout this fully integrated, wifi connected model that required even less input from me on the one hand (through the guided cooking option) yet could also perform more complex techniques such as fermentation and sugar stages. I had to have it! Joining the TM4U programme under Ankita’s guidance was a wonderful opportunity to use my time rather than my money to pay for the upgrade. Ankita’s wealth of experience, enthusiasm, and dedicated work ethos ensured that I sold the required four in my first two months of becoming an advisor. So if I can do it at a time when the whole country is in lock-down and as I juggle home-schooling plus toddler entertaining then so can you! What are you waiting for? Take the plunge, Ankita’s got your back and will ensure your pathway leads to success.” Ellie Mantle

If you would like to book a demonstration, buy a Thermomix or find out more about being an Advisor, please contact me on or call/text/ WhatsApp me on 07977 563537.

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