One Girl and her Thermie

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How does a free cutter sound?

How does a free Cutter sound? Pretty amazing, right? All you have to do is hop on board our team and make just one sale by 20th May, and voila – that Cutter is yours, absolutely free! And let me tell you, joining our Thermomix family comes with some seriously sweet perks – from snagging a FREE TM6 to enjoying a complimentary Cookidoo subscription, not to mention all the fun incentives like commission, trips, prizes, and more!

I’m just back from Stockholm where Thermomix East London was celebrated in the top 10 branches worldwide for our recruiting, onboarding, and activating newcomers. That means we were successful in making sure that our newcomers qualified and made their sales. How? Well, we’re some of the most knowledgeable and experienced Team Leaders worldwide. If you’re not local, you’d still benefit from my support, so it’s still a win.

We’ve got training sessions lined up every Wednesday, so whether you’re a seasoned Thermomix aficionado or thinking about joining the gang, now’s the perfect time to get involved. The next sessions are:

  • Wed 17th April 2024
  • Wed 24th April 2024
  • Wed 1st May 2043
  • Wed 8th May 2024
  • Wed 15th May 2024

You only need to train one day. So pop those dates in your diary and let’s make some kitchen magic together! If you’re ready to dive in or just fancy a chat about all things Thermomix, drop me a message – I’d love to hear from you!

I want to offer this option of joining our team, earning some additional income, and enjoying the joy of sharing Thermomix with everyone. As you see it’s very easy for newcomers to qualify when you have the right training and ongoing support.

We train every week in the UK, and even if you are not in my area, as your recruiting Advisor, you will benefit from me supporting you throughout your newcomer journey. That explains the ‘ROAR’ and the lion theme last month. We use the acronyms Recruit, Onboard, Activate, and Retain, which essentially we are here to support you on your Thermomix  Advisor journey.

I have always worked part-time in lecturing while running my Thermomix business and looking after my children, and enjoy the freedom and flexibility of my portfolio career.  So why not give it a go? Use the 3-month smart period as a trial, you never know if you could earn for free, or a huge discount on your Thermomix.

CONTACT ME TODAY for more information.

Advisor Name: Ankita Stopa
Advisor ID: 800 000 0068
Phone: 07977 563537

Advisor Incentives

What can I earn as an Advisor: Incentives

The beauty of a Thermomix Advisor, in addition to commissions, is the wonderful incentives we also earn.

I share this not to gloat but to share the business opportunity with people. When you have committed Advisors, who put in the work, time, and dedication to demonstrations, closing sales, recruiting new people to the business and more importantly looking after your customer base, you are not only rewarded by closing sales in this direct sales business but also by added extras.

Often the incentives are accessories or Cookbooks pre-launch, so Advisors have a chance to earn them, use them before we are asked for our honest consumer reviews, so just that in itself is a huge bonus to the Advisor role. Recall the Thermomix Cutter? Thermomix Advisors in the UK had the opportunity to earn this with sales and/ or recruitment drive many, many months before it was launched to customers. What’s more, we have several chances to earn one. You can’t ask for more than that from a company.

Below are some of the examples in a 3-month period of our sales and recruitment incentives this year:

January 2023 

Qualifying period 1st January -28th February, 20 Advisors, and 40 Team Leaders were in with a chance for an all-expenses, 4-day trip to Mykonos in May 2023.

Qualifying period 21st-31st January, one sale earned the multi-purpose bowls. This was the first chance these multi-purpose bowls were introduced to the market before they were released as a customer purchase incentive in July later this year. 

Qualifying period 21st-31st January achieved AND 1st-7th February a second sale earned the trolley bag. We are   given a travel bag as our Advisor business pack. But having one on wheels, is especially handy for those in London or who take public transport when going to demonstrations.

February 2023

Mykonos’ qualifying period continued, so for ‘big’ travel incentives like this, we have a longer period to qualify.

Qualifying period 1st -28th February,

  • 1 sale earned the newest Cookbook, Free From, and nut milk bags, worth £35
  • 2 sales earned £100 e-voucher to use in our Advisor Portal, £100
  • 3 Sales also earned the VC100 Kobold Handheld Vacuum Cleaner worth £130

Reminder, that this is in addition to commission on sales. So for 3 sales which equates to £515 in commission, you also can earn an extra £265 in Advisor incentives.

March 2023 

Fast Start Qualifying period 1-3rd March, the Advisor or Team Leader with the highest number of Personal Sales will earn a Thermomix Samonsite Backpack.

The head office often do this and it’s a great way to have a great month starting off quick and fast off the starting block. It also means its about being the quickest off the start line. This is open to everyone in the branch whether they have just joined or been in the business for a while and I really love the inclusivity of it.

Qualifying period 1-31st March, we had a number of Advisor incentives.

  • For 2 sales OR 1 sale + 1 Qualified Recruit, we could a Thermomix Tool Kit
  • For 3 sales OR 2 sales + 1 Qualified Recruit, we could earn a Thermomix Cutter AND a Thermomix Cleaning Brush
  • For 4 sales or 3 sales + 1 Qualified Recruit, we could earn a Thermomix Mixing Bowl




As you can see there is a lot on offer.

A sales incentive plan is a way to motivate and reward salespeople for reaching and exceeding their sales goals. It’s used in addition to a standard compensation plan. It’s part of the business I love. I love to earn ‘extras’ whether that is a branded pen or baseball cap to the big ticket items like a trip. It drives me to push myself that one step further and see the results. It’s there, you know what you can earn, the goal given to you at the beginning of the month, now you just have to plan how to achieve it. 

Advisor incentive programs  also make sellers feel valued. Direct sellers who feel valued are encouraged to keep up a high level of performance. If incentives are offered in the spirit of recognizing a job well done, they go a long way toward improving a worker’s sense of fulfillment, loyalty and retention.   I have team member who once said to me, “Ankita, I’m only joining to earn my new Thermomix TM6”. She was upgrading from a Thermomix TM31. But as soon as she did, another incentive came her way to earn a Thermomix Friend, then a diary and a new Cookbook etc. Three-years later she is still happily demonstrating. 
Never underestimate your own ability to do more. We all have one more sale in us to reach the next commission and incentive level. 
We are actively recruiting new Advisors all over the UK. Do get in touch if you are looking to join the business. You will join my team if you are in the East London area, but if you are elsewhere, I’ll put you in touch with a local Team Leader to look after you.

CONTACT ME TODAY for more information.

Advisor Name: Ankita Stopa
Advisor ID: 800 000 0068
Phone: 07977 563537

Why being a Thermomix Advisor is great

Every year, I ask my team to write, their ‘whys’. Why are they in the business and why do they continue to demonstrate? We are all self-employed in our roles as Thermomix Advisors (even me), so it’s truly important to understand each individual’s goals and dreams, and their reflections ‘why’ they are in the business. There’s a reason why even after 13-years I still am in the business and have a mature team of Advisors who stay in the business. The love for Thermomix is obvious a key element, but the team spirit amongst us is a reason to stay.

For many of my team, we were owners first and foremost, or they join the Earn and Demonstrate program and vowed to leave as soon as they have earned their Thermomixes. But then they stay. Initially, saying to themselves it’s just for a one or two, to earn the next incentive or simply for that extra pocket money it provides. They enjoy the comradery of being in our team, the regular branch meetings, and team meetings which bring them a sense of belonging.

Everyone’s journey is different and beautiful, which makes us a diverse team with different goals.

For anyone considering the role of a Thermomix Advisor, here’s a great testimonial of why one of my Advisors is still in the business after joining us in January 2015.

It helps me stay really engaged with my Thermomix, keeping up to date with everything new and not getting stuck in a rut.

I still love meeting new people and for the most part, witnessing first-hand their enthusiasm for their TMs.

I learn new things. According to my nephew (13), I’m an adventurous cook. And the pizza he had here was the best he’d ever had. Can you get a higher accolade?!

Over the years, I’ve earned some lovely things, almost by accident. My favorites are the Le Creuset cookware and Rockstar Ben, the baking mat,  extra TM bowls (of course), the hand-held Kobold, and now The Friend.

It’s wonderful to have a bit of extra money going into a designated account-again, almost by accident. I’ve bought myself a MacBook Air, paid for a holiday to Cyprus-just for me, paid for a trip to Morrocco with friends, and bought a new dining room table-supposed to have arrived for Xmas but probably stuck in a lorry somewhere. Ah well…

There is nothing quite like the buzz of closing a sale but more importantly knowing the TM really is a great appliance and can help people in so many ways.

It’s also a great pleasure to have these little incidental chats with people that come out of the blue. Recently, my Polish Tesco shop delivery man spotted my TMs through the window and asked me how I was getting on with them…Of course he, his mum, and sister both have one and have had for years.

I’ve said before and I still think it’s true, 3 of the things I enjoy in my life are performing on stage, having fun at a party, and teaching someone something new.  Being an advisor…Bingo!!

There are many advantages of being an Advisor from the ability to get a discount on your Thermomix, or earning it for free, by being part of a team, learning more about different cultures and cuisines, diets, and ways of life, earning commissions and Advisor incentives and exclusives from accessories to trips abroad. I have had so many wonderful experiences, rewards, and recognitions during my time as an Advisor that I cannot rate it enough.

Have you considered becoming a Thermomix Advisor? If so, please contact me at or call/ text/ WhatsApp me on 07977 563537. I hold Thermomix Advisor Opportunity meetings every week, or we can catch up on the phone or go for a coffee for a chat. I’d love to hear from you.

Mission Possible: Vorwerk Annual Conference 2022

Mission Accomplished! 

I’ve just returned from Manchester this week and had the most amazing time. It was a combination of getting back out there after COVID restrictions which seem to have gone on for forever and ever and ever, and the fact that Vorwerk Annual Conferences are just simply getting better. Last year, we had a virtual conference as we were in lockdown so this in-person event was something everyone was looking forward to.

The aim of these events is always that we have a fabulous time. We should return home well trained, motivated, and feeling inspired to make the most of our Thermomix business with our teams. Vorwerk wants to make the Advisors and Team Leaders feel special and that their hard work is being recognised. And they certainly do a great job of doing that.

From the venue which was the Kimpton Clock Tower in central Manchester, easy to get to from the train station and even easier if you bump into fellow Advisors on the train so can figure it out together. The rooms were perfect with goodie bags on arrival and basically every time I returned to it, little gifts of appreciation we are given. To the main event from Diamond Advisor to the conference and gala, we are wined, dined and thoroughly pampered.


Photos: a) Security for our Mission Possible event, b) Conference c) Luke from head office protecting our Limited Edition, Thermomix TM6 Noir

This event was to launch our 2022 with new targets, and new commissions and celebrate our successes from 2021. Those who earned the trip to Siciliy were recognised.


Photos: d) Consistency awards, selling 3 TM6s a month in 2021, e) Diamond Plus Advisor, selling 120+ in 2021, f) Siciliy winners

I’m a middle-aged, fortysomething Team Leader, I am usually quite tame at these things. Drinking and dancing are something I leave to the younger folk. I’ve been there, done that, got the t-shirt. But something happened to me this time. I’m not sure if it was the confinement of the past two years or these goodie bags that got me this time or the walk on the red carpet that made me feel like a Bond Girl rather than Tom Cruise’s sidekick.

I’m not sure if you read but the conference bags – containing exactly the same inside – a book, a pen, a water bottle – had different designs; one said Sleepyhead and the other Dancefloor Diva.

Now, I know which one I am, I know. I’ve said it, I’m a fortysomething woman. But I used to be a Dancefloor Diva, so I thought why not? I didn’t have to be sober or awake in case someone woke up from a nightmare or had a cold in the middle of the night, I didn’t have to bring the milk in before it went back or feed the kitty cats in the morning. I could sleep in. So I went for it. A little drinking, more dancing and a lot of fun. The rest of the night is a little hazy, but I can ensure you I had plenty of fun.


Photos: g, h, i, j – Post Gala Dinner fun. And before you ask, both Fabrzio and I are happily married to different people. He’s just my favourite team member. (Oops, I said it, I have a favourite).

Day two is where the training and meat-of-conference is delivered. Equally good, but not on so little sleep, slightly hungover. I think they do this on purpose as we’re more compliant when they introduce new information to us before sending us arm laden with more gifts home.


So I finish saying I’ve had an amazing few days. Thank goodness the conference was Friday/ Saturday, as I’m home by early Saturday evening and able to rest, relax, and spend time with my family before I go to work on Monday.

I said earlier that the aim of these events had an aim, so let’s see if Vorwerk achieved them.

Ensure we have a fabulous time  We should return home well trained✅ motivated, and feeling inspired to make the most of our Thermomix business with our teams. Vorwerk wants to make the Advisors and Team Leaders feel special, celebrate our hard work✅ and recognize our milestones.

So thank you to all who made this a fabulous event – to each and every head office staff, the event planner and hotel staff who made the event amazing. To the Advisors and Team Leaders, who made it fun. And the customers, if you didn’t choose me as your Advisor, I wouldn’t qualify for events like this, so thank you.

For everyone else, if you are looking to get a Thermomix on the earn and demonstrate the program, or join as an owner, then do join. Not only is this a nice side-hustle to earn a little income, but it’s an incredibly fun business to be part of. Get in touch, I would love to tell you more about the role and bring you into this fabulous work family. Even the senior management at Vorwerk UK agrees.

Contact me today
Advisor Name: Ankita Stopa
Advisor ID: 800 000 0068
Phone: 07977 563537


Why join the Thermomix Business?

Many people out there wonder, why it’s so great to join the Thermomix Business.

With the permission of my fabulous team, I thought I’d share their ‘why’. These are my lockdown recruits, so all were recruited and trained after March 2020.

It brings me great pride that all these newcomers not only earned their new Thermomix TM6s by achieving their first 4 sales within their 90-days (or sooner), but they have stayed in the business. Many Advisors stay in the business becuase of fabulous training from the company, the support from the team and of course, when you believe in the product, it’s an easy sell. As a Team Leader, I do everything I can to support, encourage and motivate my team to be the best they can. Throw in the fact that after your first 4 sales, you start earning commission, incentives and trips, there’s plenty of reasons why to stay in the business long term.

But for me personally, helping indivdiuals, men and women, achieve a successful Thermomix business, seeing them grow in confidence, learn new skills and some money is the most satisfying thing. Our team is not just a group of people who work together, we become a family who supports and looks after each other – a Thermomix family.

Enough about me, here’s my latest recruits and their whys….

For me, lockdown 2020 only has connotations of joy as it very much kickstarted my Thermomix business. Although I signed up wanting to upgrade my TM31 and thinking i’d be able to demonstrate the TM6 in person, I actually only managed one – on the 12th March – before having to self-isolate a day later! And in all honesty, even though I have been technically stretched, I have loved all the zooms and social media posts I have had to do. When I think back over 2020 I don’t think of lockdown doom and gloom but the opportunity to bake from scratch with ease and to be hospitable with neighbourly doorstep food parcels drops. I think of hot-cross buns at Easter, Elderflower cordial production in May, chocolate ice cream during the summer, and Trifle at Christmas. I love how easy it is to be an awe-inspiring culinary expert at a push of a button!

Why am I in the business? I’d be so stupid to have let the opportunity pass me by! Thank you SO MUCH, Ankita for convincing me to give the TM4U a programme a  go and I didn’t have to think twice about staying on! I love how my business can wrap around my other responsibilities and yet still be at the forefront, rather like the kitchen is always the epi-centre of every home. Having 60,000 recipes at the touch of a button offers me and my customers a wealth of inspiration and fuel to feed those we hold dear. The TM6 has revolutionised the way I feed my family and I am desperate to convince those around me why they need a TM6 in their lives too – and the fact that it can be income-producing really is the icing on the cake. There are three types of work – jobs (9-5, dull, pay the bills) careers (spend life working a way to get to the top), and hobbies (doing something you love with the luxury of being paid!) Thermomix is so much more than a hobby but one that I love doing every single day.



“To improve myself and others,  to don’t give up without trying” 

I was ask twice to become an advisor, and I declined.

Firstly, in 2010, as I thought my English wasn’t good enough.

The second time in 2015, I didn’t join as I didn’t have the support of my husband or friends.

Today, with my big smile on my face, bottle of champagne and bunch of flowers from my husband (he apologised me, for not believing in me) I am telling everyone is worth to trying as I earned my Thermomix with first 4 weeks (in August 2020), and I am full time working mum of 6.5 year old twins. 

Vorwerk have also great motivation program, what I really like,  so that’s why I am not loosing nothing.  I would like to try to get the opportunity,  to learn new skills,  earn extra money,  and meet new people. 

And this is what I already benefit since I joined the company. 

I am getting more confidence,  as I doing live videos on social media,  I meet so many lovely people,  and I started to chat with then as long time friends- and we did not even meet yet (so lovely especially during this difficult time).

And I do enjoy earning extra money on top of this. 

Thank you for having me in your team.


Why did I join the business? Because I love food and love to cook, but that’s probably what everyone says.

I’ve got my Thermomix TM5 in May 2018 as my Birthday present from my husband, he said every good Chef has a good Sous-Chef. 

After having my second baby, I experienced post-natal depression in April 2020, a newborn and toddler, no external help due to lockdown. I only got out of bed because my children needed me and all inspiration and motivation to cook was gone, I’ve still cooked! I’ve let my son choose the pictures on Cookidoo he liked and simply cooked that. While everybody was complaining during lockdown number 1 what food they miss, we’ve had it all:  chicken katsu curry, garlic salmon maki, fresh made tuna pizza with caramelized onions, pecan honey ice cream, Asia bowl….  you don’t need to be in a good inspired mood to cook with the thermomix. You just have to read the instructions and enjoy the outcome!

I know that there are a lot of mum’s and dad’s out there, not knowing that cooking can be so unbelievable easy. That you can cook healthy and versatile when you are alone with 2 Kids without neglecting them. I want to show them that they are not alone with their daily fights, juggling kids, job, cooking and household. There are a lot of us. I too carry a lot of things on my shoulders. Thanks to my Thermomix cooking is no longer one of them. We’re all in the same boat. Let’s help each other, shall we? 


This business has given me the opportunity to meet new people and learn how the fun of cooking can be.  Before I became a Thermomix Advisor I was always passionate about food, I used to spend numerous hours in the kitchen, cooking for my family and friends. I wanted to share my cooking knowledge with others and to build a community by sharing my Thermomix love. 



I heard about the Thermomix a long time ago but I didn’t have a chance to see the demonstration. Finally, I sent an email to Vorwerk that I would like to become a Thermomix Advisor. I received a reply, but I still wasn’t ready to start this journey. I didn’t believe that I can sell it, especially during the lockdown.

When my friend Monika became an Advisor, she convinced me to go for training. With Ankita’s support, I joined a team and within 3 months I earned my Thermomix. 

It was the best decision, I enjoy cooking with TM6 and sharing this experience with others. 
