One Girl and her Thermie

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Thermomix butter

Thermomix Butter

Making homemade Thermomix butter is delicious and an ideal way of maximising your Thermomix. I’m a big fan of President’s Butter but at £2 a pop and the amount of baking we do at home, it’s expensive. Making homemade butter is therefore not only cost effective but allows me to flavour the butter so it’s individual to our family tastes (salty) and special for dinner parties (think, olive butter, sundried tomato butter, garlic butter etc.)

I always tend to make butter after Christmas and New Year, as I have an excess of cream building up in my fridge. Ever since I have had a Thermomix I always keep an eye out for cartons of cream that are nearly at their expiry date. Usually, these cartons are discounts at about half-price or more.

If you use the cream that is close to its expiry date, it will separate faster when you are whipping it. If you use fresh cream that has a long expiry it will take longer to separate, so this is a great recipe to dig out that cream at the back of your fridge or going cheap in the store.

Butter can be frozen and 600ml of double cream makes about one block of butter and 250ml buttermilk.

Red pepper soup

Red pepper & tomato soup

This red pepper & tomato soup is probably one of my favourite Thermomix soups. A long time ago, it was a TM31 demonstration staple and I still love it. It reminds me of the good old, university days (before Thermomix, obviously) when Heinz Tomato & Lentil Soup was a regular in the kitchen cupboard in my rental flat.

The reason why this recipe is so good and showcased during the demonstration is for many reasons. Firstly, we’d grind the lentils to show the grinding ability of the lentils to a powder and also because they are ground, the cooking time is super speedy; perfect for a mid-week meal. In addition, the lentils add a little protein and thickening to the dish. The red pepper skins disappearing into the soup was always a wow factor at commercial demonstrations as any other kitchen appliance doesn’t blend the pepper skins so beautifully. With Thermomix it simply disappears.

Do try this recipe, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed. It’s warming and wondering as a soup and if you have any leftovers it’s wonderful as a pasta bake too.

My Story

My Story

You’re here, so I guess it would be rude not to introduce myself. My name is Ankita Stopa and I am passionate about helping people cook more healthy and creative food. Life is busy enough and anything that can help us save time and money is something we all need in our lives.

I’m from India, which is one of the oldest and richest food cultures in the world. Indian cuisine is well known for being one of the world’s spiciest, most influential, diverse, and unique. As Indians differ from one another by religion, region, state, language, and caste, our cuisine varies so much that we have positioned ourselves as one of the world’s most diverse. The beauty of being an Indian living abroad is having both a great appreciation for different Indian cuisines and a palate that enjoys all gastronomies.

Most of the recipes I make in my Thermomix are traditional family recipes handed down through generations. My mother and grandmother were both great cooks, and shared their knowledge with me. I grew up in Saudi Arabia and have traveled all over the world to many European and Asian countries; I worked and lived in Japan and now reside in London, U.K. with my Polish husband. I have always enjoyed exploring the culture and food in each country. As a lover of food and brought up traditionally Indian, I have always cooked from scratch with delicious results but often time-consuming. Before having my children, I enjoyed winding down and taking time to cook after I came home from work. It was only when I had my daughter that I first heard about Thermomix and realized how easy home cooking could be.

So, How Did I Get Here?

Good question. Especially considering that I actually started out as Chemical Engineer from UCL who went into product & business development in the chemical & biodegradable field. (You know Ariel Liquid-Tabs or Quantum Finish tablets? Yeah, that’s what I helped develop.)

My Thermomix journey started back in 2009, when my Polish sister-in-law, Emilia, suggested I host a demonstration as I was a busy mum with a 4-month-old baby. Emilia was given a Thermomix TM31 as a wedding present, the previous year, and had raved about how she could make soup in 15 minutes, bread in less than 2 minutes, and risotto without the need to be in the kitchen. She was so convincing that I booked a home demonstration. I was blown away by the fruit sorbet demonstration alone, and bought one on the spot.

I started demonstrating as a hobby and extra income purely because of my love and passion for Thermomix. I loved how cooking was so simple and easy to follow. I started recommending to all my family, friends, and colleagues and quickly found myself demonstrating that year and within a few years working part-time as an Independent Advisor. I still had other business interests (still do) in the packaging industry, and marketing and I run a property portfolio too. I currently lecture Chemistry part-time.  But even with all of this on my plate (ask a busy person…), I soon became UK’s number 1 Advisor and also had the most successful team in the UK.

In September 2014, I finally decided to rebrand to ‘One Girl and her Thermie’ and start to blog, sharing the love I have for Thermomix and sharing it with everyone. It’s been the most rewarding and fantastic journey. Demonstrating Thermomix has become a passion of mine. I’ve earned new Thermomixes – the newer models Thermomix TM5 and Thermomix TM6, I’ve been on several amazing Advisor incentive trips from Kinsale to Madeira and Budapest to Lisbon. I’ve been awarded accolades such as the first to reach Loyalty programs Level 4, 5 & 6 and been recognised as a Diamond Advisor three years in a row.

The Only way to do great work is to love what you doI’ll take the words of a great man who is at the forefront of technology to express my love of Thermomix demonstrating.

I’m often asked who my customer avatar is for Thermomix. Love cooking? Hate cooking? Bored of repetitive menus? Someone with kids? Time poor? Allergies? Well, the answer is anyone who eats.

I hope you’ll join me on this journey.

Spinach souffle

Spinach Mousse with Parmesan Cream

This Spinach Mousse with parmesan cream is light, rich and super tasty. This recipe works really well as a starter with some sautéd mushrooms or as a main course with a substantial salad and vegetables on the side. It’s a stunning dish.

This recipe was taught to me by Elias Pontikos, a former Advisor on my team. Elias was a greta foodie and did many commercial demonstrations in his time. Trained as a Chemical Engineer, he loved the Thermomix because of it’s high technical ability and he always converted the best recipes. I believe this one was originally by Simon Hopkinson.


Chinese Five Spice

Spices and spice mixtures ground fresh in your Thermomix will always give a better flavour than shop bought versions. This Chinese Five spice recipe is a useful store cupboard standby to add a hint of the Orient to your dishes and is used in the wonderful Asian Salad recipe (coming soon) on this blog too.

Five-spice powder is a spice mixture of five or more spices used predominantly in Chinese and Taiwanese cuisine and also used less commonly in other Asian and Arabic cookery. Five-spice powder is used for cocktails as well.


Banana ice-cream

This banana ice-cream is hands down one of my favourite recipes in my Thermomix. I always over buy bananas and they always go brown. The kids just don’t eat them fast enough. But browning bananas is perfect for this recipe as the browner they are, the more the sugars in the banana have caramelised and the sweeter this ice-cream is. No need to add sugars, it’s sweet enough. And with just two ingredients, this recipe is loved by children and adults alike.

Basil pesto


This easy, beautiful pesto recipe is absolutely bursting with fresh herby flavour. … You can whizz up your own delicious pesto in under 5 minutes – it’s great for a fast-fix meal.  Homemade pesto is tastier than any shop bought version and this recipe shows how easy it is to make.

I use it on it’s own with pasta (always a winner in my home), spread it on a warm, crusty roll or smother it on salmon and steam with rice in the Thermomix; whatever you do with it, it’s a winner and a staple in my kitchen fridge.

And if you want ideas on how to eat pesto, check out this article I found online.


Lemon Oil Dressing

This heavenly lemon oil dressing recipe is courtesy of Chef Alan Murchison of L’ortolan Restaurant who has a Michelin star (probably 2 now). Alan is passionate about owning a Thermomix and it’s so nice to make restaurant food in our homes.

This salad dressing is one of my favourites and I always have a bottle in my fridge. It keeps well and all you need to do is give it a good sake before using it as the oils will become semi-solid in the fridge.

When life gives you lemons, definitely make this lemon oil. You’ll be glad you did.

Milk Bread

Bread: it’s one of life’s most simple but greatest pleasures. Bread is always there for you, whether sandwiching together delicious fillings or just as on its own (preferably slathered with plenty of butter).  It is great for breakfast, lunch, or dinner and this recipe for milk bread is a real winner. It is actually one of the bread recipes we do at our Cooking Experiences, which showcases one the kneading function of the Thermomix but also with a show stopper like this, how fabulous homemade bread can actually taste.

This is one of those recipes you can rely on whenever you fancy a subtly sweet soft bread or bun. It’s adaptable enough to allow the milk and butter to be replaced with soya or other alternatives, or sugars to be replace with agave syrup or honey.