One Girl and her Thermie

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Bath Bomb

Bath Melts

My daughter is obsessed with LUSH cosmetics. Enter a mall with LUSH and she makes a beeline to LUSH, Smiggle and Claire’s Accessories and all her hard earned pocket-money is spent in minutes on bath bombs and bath melts. So, I’ve been exploring ways that she can still soothe her senses while being easier on her pocket. Making homemade bath bombs and bath melts is a perfect activity for us to do together on a weekend.

These bath melts are fragrant but all have conditioning ingredients especially good in winter time as my kids both tend to get dry skin. Relax in  a bath as they slowly dissolve and fizz while infusing the water with oils and butters to soften your skin.

Variations for this recipe are endless; we always add some rose petals for the luxury effect and food colouring to make them interesting. They make wonderful gifts and we have been know to make bath melts for Christmas gifts and end of year presents.

Disclaimer – Thermomix® is a cooking appliance intended to be only used for food preparation.

However, the recipes here are using food ingredients – sugar, spices, coconut oil, food colouring etc. which I do cook with so I am happy to make ‘beauty’ products using my Thermomix. I also have multiple TM bowls, so I can safely use separate bowls for making these without any cross contamination. If in any doubt, don’t make them.

Thermomix Jalebi


Jalebi an Indian sweet made of a coil of batter fried and steeped in syrup.

We never made this at home, probably because my mother is a doctor and this really dessert/ snack is fried in oil and sweet covered with more sweetness.  But on trips back to Chandigarh, I can always remember heading to the street vendors in Sector 23 to eat this hot, delicious snack or dessert with my father. It brings back memories of my childhood going home and visiting my family in Punjab.

It’s best eaten just freshly made when the jalebi is cooked but soft and still warm with the syrup oozing when you bite it.

Team Testimonials

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Team Testimonials

My team are a great bunch of people who share my passion for the Thermomix and are committed to helping each other achieve their goals. 

Many of my team are working, some full-time, many part-time and the Advisor role is flexible for those who either love cooking, hate cooking, want to meet more people and earn some extra cash. 

Don’t take my word for it, read it for yourself.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]

Current Team

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Promoted Team Leaders

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Past Team

As Thermomix in the UK grows, many new teams are being formed and some members that I have recruited, trained and mentored for a number of months (years), migrate to new teams closer to their homes. It’s always sad when people leave my team but what I love most is having met these wonderful individuals and making friends; friendships that have been made go above and beyond the constraints of our working life.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][us_testimonials columns=”1″ categories=”past-team” style=”2″ ids=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row bg_type=”bg_color” ult_hide_row=”ult_hide_row_value” ult_hide_row_large_screen=”large_screen” ult_hide_row_desktop=”desktop” ult_hide_row_tablet=”tablet” ult_hide_row_tablet_small=”xs_tablet” el_id=”mobile”][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Team Testimonials

My team are a great bunch of people who share my passion for the Thermomix and are committed to helping each other achieve their goals. 

Many of my team are working, some full-time, many part-time and the Advisor role is flexible for those who either love cooking, hate cooking, want to meet more people and earn some extra cash. 

Don’t take my word for it, read it for yourself.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Current Team

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Promoted Team Leaders

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][us_testimonials type=”carousel” columns=”1″ categories=”promoted” style=”2″ ids=””][vc_empty_space][show-logos category=”banner” activeurl=”new” interface=”grid5″][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]

Past Team

As Thermomix in the UK grows, many new teams are being formed and some members that I have recruited, trained and mentored for a number of months (years), migrate to new teams closer to their homes. It’s always sad when people leave my team but what I love most is having met these wonderful individuals and making friends; friendships that have been made go above and beyond the constraints of our working life.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][us_testimonials type=”carousel” columns=”1″ categories=”past-team” style=”2″ ids=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Highlights of BBC Good Food Show with Thermomix

As an Advisor, we sometimes get to help Thermomix UK at national events. Luckily in London, there’s quite a few and here are some of my highlights of the Good Food Show at Excel, in June.

Always packed with seasonal produce, ideas for al-fresco dining and hundreds of exciting producers and brands to shop from, get all the summer inspiration you need. Soak up expert masterclasses, live demos from the seasonal stages and much more. There Mary BerryTom KerridgeMichel Roux JrNadiya Hussain and James Martin (a Thermomix fan favorite) as they cooked up summer feasts in The Big Kitchen.

Attending events like this is a great way to practice our ‘elevator pitches’ but also a great opportunity to meet other Advisors from other teams, hang out with head office staff and celebrity chefs and actually treat it like a team bonding exercise. As a self-employed individual, we often work alone so exhibitions like this allow us all to be together and hang. The one thing I truly like about this role is what a great bunch of people we are. There are so many reasons people are drawn to the role – either their love for food or their family circumstances, extra income or a step towards a career if they don’t have one. But the reason, they stay in the business is the people. We are a really great bunch of supportive men and women, who genuinely care about well-being, healthy eating and each other.

Here are some of the highlights over the years:

James Martin cutting the ribbon at Birmingham Good Food Show

Thermomix Ladies welcoming visitors to our stand

Natarsha Lambie giving out some samples

Getting to meet the chefs at the stand. Here’s Cyrus Todiwala who came to tell us how much he loves his Thermomixes!

Quick demo recipes of herb breadcrumbs – bread, parmesan and herbs – it smells delicious

Advisors sneaking in a selfie

Enjoying talking to customers

Watching the chefs in action; Cyrus Todiwala of Cafe Spice Namaste

An official pose – Marivi Perello (Team Leader), Josie Wilkins (West London Branch Manager) and me

Thermomix Advisor fan favourite, James Martin


Thermomix Advisor Testimonial by Cheryl Carman

I sometimes ask my team to write a Thermomix Advisor Testimonial of what it’s like being an Advisor on my team. Usually, they are short, but Cheryl, wrote this. It was too good not to share in it’s entirety.

Thanks to Cheryl Carman for such an honest review.

My TM Advisor Testimonial

I can hardly believe it’s just over a year since I finished my training and was let loose on friends and family, new TM5 by my side. And what a year it’s been!

I sold my first Thermomix on the first day of my 90-days programme to my brother-in-law, a total skeptic who was completely won-over once he took part in the demo. I can scarcely remember experiencing such an adrenaline rush as in that first demo and my absolute amazement and delight when my brother-in-law bought one.

Since then, there have been some high highs and some low lows. Don’t be fooled into thinking the role is a walk in the park. If you love the Thermomix, you’ll probably think it sells itself. I wish!

It actually requires a lot of hard work. As well as constantly having to generate new demos, doing the demos, welcome visits, new user and wish list visits, there are weekly team meetings to attend, Open Days with any of your new recruits, admin tasks and, very importantly, maintaining contact with all your customers to keep them up-to-date with TM developments and happy.

In my experience, every demo is different- and that is one of the things that, while challenging, I have to say, I love.

To me, as a retired teacher who always worked in London state secondary schools, the demo is a cross between a lesson (and not always an easy one), playing a part on stage (I have done that too, in another life) and a sometimes slightly out-of-control party. Some are more one thing than the other, but everyone I’ve demonstrated to over the year, apart from 2 people, has been absolutely wowed by the TM5. And that feels brilliant every time.

Why don’t they all purchase, then? Well, that’s another story. You’ll learn more if you train and as you become more experienced, but it can be very frustrating, especially at first.

One of the great things though has been all of the new people I’ve got to know. First off, the really lovely other advisors you meet as part of your team and in others’. There is always someone to offer you help or at least a listening ear.

I am a reluctant cook, to say the least, and there are a few like me who become advisors, who cook because they have to, but many more who LOVE cooking and are extremely accomplished.  We, of course, have mutual respect and I’ve learned a lot along the way. It perfectly illustrates that wherever you stand in relation to cooking, TM5 can be an absolute joy to own. I can never love mine enough!

Then, there are all the people you demonstrate to. Every advisor has their stories. Mine includes an absolutely joyous occasion with a group of Madeiran and Portuguese people. No-one has bought yet from that demo, but what a fantastically warm and enlivening three hours I spent with them.

Another extraordinary experience for me was showing the Thermomix to a group of elderly people in sheltered housing. I would not easily have come into contact with them, certainly not for a 2 and a half hour cooking demo.

Some fell asleep, most couldn’t read the small print in the Guest Questionaire and hardly anyone had the appetite for the food we cooked. But guess what? One lady, full of joix de vivre but with early-stage Alzheimer’s, bought a Thermomix there and then because she could see how it might help her retain some independence in the kitchen while being wheelchair-bound. I was absolutely thrilled.

What else can I tell you?  I’m by no means the most successful advisor in terms of sales and my commission is certainly not going to buy me another London home- or even garage space. But that’s fine. I have a little pot of money after a year which is gradually accruing and, while my friends who’ve seen my demonstrations tell me I’m “to the Manor born” as an advisor, there is no doubt that, at times, the role has also taken me quite a long way out of my comfort zone.

Finally, my advice would be this. Once you’ve seen a demo, sign up for an Open Day. Go, find out more, and ask lots of questions. Consider doing what I did by attending a TM cooking class so that you can talk to other advisors. I think you’ll know if you want to give it a go, if not now, then perhaps in the future. If you do decide to take the plunge, I wish you very good luck.

You may well become an advisor who flies and, with the proceeds from your Thermomix business, starts to save for that outlandishly expensive London home- or whatever else it is that floats your boat.  Alternatively, you may just be like me, still quietly in the game. Either way, it could be you in a year or so’s time, reflecting on your unique experiences as a Thermomix advisor and writing your own testimonial for your team leader’s website.

Thermomix TM5

Well after giving us an afternoon of relaxation with our Afternoon Tea; to catch up with friends we’ve made during our time as  Advisors, it was time for a quick change for our gala dinner.

I looked up the definition of gala dinner.

Gala Dinner events can be held to celebrate, reward or engage an audience with a brand or service. The evening event will generally feature a three or four-course meal where guests are seated.Many corporate Gala dinners are often staged in inner-city venues for easy access for guests.

Gala dinner table setting

Mingling with my fellow Team Leader, Natarsha Lambie

So with that, I should have been given a clue that it was a gala dinner that there was to be a surprise but I wasn’t expecting James Martin and the launch of the Thermomix TM5.

As Advisors, we are always asked when the next Thermomix is coming out. Historically, the time period between new models is 10-15 years and the Thermomix TM31 was only released in 2004, so we were on the lower side of that timeline. As an owner first and foremost, I didn’t think that Thermomix could get any better. But woah, was I surprised.


(Presenters left to right: Felicity Raines, Executive Head Chef, Suzanne Crafer, Branch Manager James Martin and Janie Turner)

The new Thermomix was a revolution. It had a new design, it had gone digital and it was presented by James Martin, Chef, and presenter of Saturday Kitchen. I’m not sure what was more exciting. The Thermomix or James.

One Girl and her Thermie (a.k.a me) and James Martin celebrating my sales achievements

Team Ankita – yes, that was the size of my team that day!

UK Salesforce in its entirety

Eco-Friendly Christmas Market

It was only meant to be a small event bringing together a few eco-friendly brands with Christmas wares but it’s turned into a Virtual Christmas Festival! We’ve got mini sessions on cooking (if you can call making cocktails and biscuits cooking), paper making, and, in keeping with the festival vibe, how to camp out at home (i.e. how to create a mini-retreat in your own home or garden – and let’s face it, who doesn’t need that right now?)

This was a live event on Thursday 10th December from 11am-2pm. My Thermomix Cooking demonstration starts at 1:32 on the video where I made:
Thank you to Catering Supplies Direct for the sponsorship and donation of my martini glasses.
Eco Friendly Christmas Market Full running order:
11 Intro 11.15 CoCo Nation (Chanaka)
11.25 Tattymoo repurposing clothes (Julia)
11.35 Betty and Bill’s homemade note cards and Papermaking masterclass (Samantha)
11.55 The Scenic Route Shop Ltd organic and recycled clothing (Amber)
12.05 Rewind Glass – bottles turned into glasses and clocks etc, (Fiona/Andy)
12.15 Juice Plus+ (Nicky)
12.25 reCharkha EcoSocial Tribe
12.35 One Girl and Her Thermie and Cooking demo (Ankita)
12.55 Virtuelicious meal kits, meal planner, and cook coaching (Avni)
1.05 Kindpreneur eco-friendly marketplace (Karen)
1.10 Reverse the tide, eco-friendly shop, and community (Sally)
1.20 FrigginWell mindfulness shower pack (Klaudia)
1.30 Tentshare: tent marketplace and marketplace on creating a sanctuary at home (Rebecca Heaps)
1.45 Wrap up