Salmorejo, gazpacho’s richer, deeper cousin, is a cool, creamy soup. I found this almond and tomatoe salmorejo recipe in the Guardian’s ‘20 best easy summer recipes – Part 1‘ and having read the recipe was so easy to convert to the Thermomix.
Salmorejo is a purée consisting of tomato and bread, originating from Cordoba in Andalucia, south Spain. It is made from tomatoes, bread, oil, garlic. Normally, the tomatoes are skinned and then puréed with the other ingredients. Of course, using a Thermomix we don’t have to waste time skinning the tomatoes as when we puree the dish at the end, the Thermomix will beautifully blend skin, pulp and seeds into one smooth soup.
Written by Monika Linton, this salmorejo de tomate con almendras ‘zoco’ – almond and tomato salmorejo is absolutely delicious. She advises to choose the ripest, tastiest tomatoes you can find. Traditionally, the soup is served with grapes or little cubes of piel de sapo melon.
Monika Linton, founded Brindisa in 1988, retailing products from some of Spain’s best food producers. She opened the first Tapas Brindisa restaurant in 2004 and there are now four Brindisa restaurants across London.
Photo credit: Almond and tomato salmorejo. Photograph: Martin Poole for the Observer