One Girl and her Thermie

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Strawberries covered in chocolate

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

These tasty chocolate covered strawberries make the perfect summer dessert or sweet afternoon treat.  With Valentine’s Day coming up, it’s the perfect present. It says you have made an effort for the person you love.

The melted chocolate is made with the addition of coconut yogurt which gives it a lovely rich and creamy texture. This is a very simple dessert to make in the Thermomix and one where it looks like you’ve put a bit of effort in but really it’s a doddle to make. The added coconut yogurt which thickens the chocolate sauce and helps it go further, especially if you have an abundance of large strawberries that need to be eaten.

Credit: I can’t take credit for converting this recipe. Why re-invent the wheel. This recipe has been slightly adapted from Thermomix Diva, a British mum living down under.

Fluffy rice

Thermomix Rice

There are so many ways to make Thermomix rice but as a rice-o-phile, this is my tried and tested way.

We’re all creatures of habit and even before having a Thermomix, I had a rice cooker. This rice cooker was my friend and so loved that I hand-carried it back from Japan in 2001. I paid a lot of money for it and there was no way I was leaving it behind. So fast forward to 2009, when I first bought my Thermomix, why would I change the way that I’d be making rice for over a decade. There was no need to. Yes, I became an Advisor soon after my initial purchase so I would advocate that the Thermomix has many functions, including cooking rice whilst secretly behind closed doors, continuing to make rice in my beloved rice cooker.

And then my au pair broke it. Accidentally, of course, but I was livid. I was filled with anger and emotion. Sadness and despair. Those who know me, know I’m not a violent person, so dear Martyna’s life was never at risk but I was mad. And moody.

There’s a reason you marry the person you end up marrying and for me, Rob is the one, the only one, who knows how to handle me. My darling husband reminded me that my Thermomix could make perfect fluffy rice and I should try it. Well, dear hubby, you were right. Habits are hard to break, but when you find a new one, it might stick forever.

I bring you the easiest and most loved recipe in my Indian household – Thermomix rice. Perfect Thermomix rice. The fluffiest white rice which is a staple side dish for many Asian meals. Here’s how to get it right every time

Basil ice-cream

Basil Sorbet

This recipe for basil sorbet is tongue-tingling ice that delivers the refreshing flavours of summer. I think this is a beautiful palate cleanser rather than dessert, which is why I’m posting near the busy festive season when lots of entertaining is done.

This is a fresh and simple recipe to make at home by yourselves. By following just a few simple steps, you’ll get a really tasty sorbet to offer to your friends—delicious enjoyed on its own, or made into refreshing popsicles, fancy ice-cubes to add a pop of herbaceous flavour to cocktails, or blended with water for a tasty granita.

With just 4 ingredients and all store cupboard essentials – who doesn’t have sugar, ice or lemon hanging around, there really is no excuse not to try this one. Be a domestic goddess and do it.

homemade chocolate

Homemade Chocolate Bars

Homemade chocolate bars are fun, you can make them whatever size you like, and can pack them with whatever chunks, spices, nuts, seeds, and goodies you have. The possibilities are endless. Make a bunch, wrap them in gold foil candy paper, or parchment, and place in a drawer – you’re set for the month. Everyone seems to have a slightly different technique, but generally, I simply start with the best dark chocolate possible, then add as many extras as the chocolate can hold. To shape your bars You can just slather the mixture across a parchment-lined baking sheet, or allow it to set in a mold (or ice cube tray) of your choice.

The beauty in the recipe is the simplicity. A Thermomix tempers the chocolate callets so precisely that the quality of chocolate you use is key – I only use Callebaut Chocolate callets which is the finest Belgian chocolate and then toppings can be as elaborate as you want. For Christmas rose petals or pistachios give it a little luxury; for everyday eating for the kids, I use sprinkles and M&Ms. I know the last ingredient goes against my quality and best the best comment, but I’m keeping it real. My kids love M&M, Smarties, sprinkles and everything & anything that is sugar loaded. I take comfort in the fact the 80:20 rule, most of those they are eating is good.

This beautiful recipe is re-blogged from I love Chocolate, I love Thermomix by Janie Turner. Janie was the distributor of Thermomix UK when I started so is a friend and mentor of mine. After selling the business back to Vorwerk in 2014, set up Cook with Janie. Do check out her website and blog. It’s truly amazing as the lady herself.

Irish Cream

Homemade Baileys

Homemade Baileys Irish Cream recipe is a deliciously creamy and chocolatey homemade alcoholic drink. Make it in less than 5 minutes in your Thermomix and with just 6 basic ingredients.

It’s perfect homemade gift for family and friends. In fact, it’s such a perfect recipe that for the last few years I have made bottles and gifted them to my children’s teachers with a love note: “My child is probably the reason you drink, so enjoy this homemade Baileys on us”. You need a teacher with a sense of humour to appreciate it.

The beauty of this recipe is how simple it is. In just a couple of minutes you’ll be sipping this super yummy drink and wonder why I only drink this at Christmas time; surely it should be all year round.



Run, run, fast as you can,
You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man!

~ The Gingerbread Man, a fairy tale

Gingerbread is a popular Christmas treat all over the world, in many different forms. Gingerbread first appeared in central Europe in the Middle Ages, made from sugars and spices that had been brought back from the Middle East by soldiers returning from the Crusades. In England, gingerbread only meant “preserved ginger,” referring to the preservative effect of ginger on breads, cakes, and other pastries. It wasn’t until the 15th century that gingerbread referred specifically to the sweet cake made with treacle and ginger. And it wasn’t until the nineteenth century that the treat became associated primarily with Christmas.

This very well-behaved dough can put up with quite a bit of punishment and is therefore ideal for children to play around with.

Kids will love making, decorating and eating these gingerbread men biscuits – but let’s face it, more the eating! They can either be given as gifts or used to decorate the tree as I have done this year. Make things more fun with a variety of cutters.

You can buy proper cutters for making ‘men’ but in fact, you (or your children) can pick any shaped cutter you like.

Credit: I can’t take credit for converting this recipe. Why re-invent the wheel. This recipe copied from the website Thermobliss, aptly named the Best Thermomix Gingerbread recipe. I agree, it is.

Chesnut and Wild Mushroom Soup

This Chesnut and Wild Mushroom soup, adapted for the Thermomix from a Neven Macguire recipe was showcased for the first time at ‘Christmas – All Wrapped Up’ classes in 2016. This was amazingly rich and smooth soup; warming enough to serve as a starter to the main event or as a nourishing meal during the holidays. It’s rich and creamy which this is a wonderful Autumn soup perfect for the Christmas season too.

Chestnuts are absolutely gorgeous roasted and simply enjoyed on their own, but they also lend their creamy, sweet flavour well to soups, sauces and stews.  Even desserts.

During a time when there’s a tendency to overindulge in everything, it’s great to know that the key ingredients in the soup recipe have nutritional benefits too.

  • Mushrooms are known to contain health benefits to support the immune system, they contain active compounds which have anti-tumour, cholesterol-lowering and virus-inhibiting effects (Powell 2010; AC 2007a)
  • Chestnuts help to relieve coughs and contain detoxifying properties

I prefer to serve this as a canape or amuse bouche, hence why the serving suggestion varies from 8-12. If you use espresso cups, it could even stretch to 16-20. All you really need is a couple of mouthfuls of this delicious soup to feel warm and fuzzy.

Garlic Naan with Spinach, Cheese and Chilli

Sharing with you one more delicious recipe of Indian flat bread, world famous as “Garlic Naan”. Not just me, this naan is favourite of everyone who has ever tried Indian food. Isn’t it?

A quintessential Indian bread served in every Indian eatery, big or small, garlic naan is heart-throb of million Indian Cuisine Lovers!

This recipe encompasses all of my childhood memories, soft, fluffy nan-bread with a cheesy, chili filling. At home, we weren’t used to eating stuffed naans for dinner – I am a purist and with only eat butter or plain naans with meals, but this is the perfect accompaniment with a cup of tea on a rainy day as an after-school, tea-time snack.

Credit: I have to thank Haseena from Thermo for You and Me for this recipe as she’s done all the hard work, from converting a homemade family favourite and photographing to allowing me to re-blog. Just another reason why I love being a Thermomix Advisor, it’s about sharing and promoting the use of Thermomix to everyone.

Lemon scrub

Citrus Body Scrub

It’s been a long, long winter this year in the UK and my skin needs a bit of a pick me up. If you have skin that feels rough and dry, then this fresh citrus body scrub is the scrub for you.

The ingredients are all natural and individually all have their own benefits:

Lemon. Ellen Marmur, an associate clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center (in New York), confirmed that lemon juice can, in fact, be useful as a natural deodorant because the citric acid in it kills bacteria and odour.

Lime’s ability to combat armpit sweat is due to its acidity. The acid in the lime juice helps reduce sweat production and can work as a natural deodorant. Additionally, limes have strong antibacterial properties.

Rock and pink salt is rich in minerals and has excellent cleansing properties, making a great exfoliating ingredient.

Disclaimer – Thermomix® is a cooking appliance intended to be only used for food preparation.

However, the recipes here are using food ingredients – sugar, spices, coconut oil, food colouring etc. which I do cook with so I am happy to make ‘beauty’ products using my Thermomix. I also have multiple TM bowls, so I can safely use separate bowls for making these without any cross contamination. If in any doubt, don’t make them.