One Girl and her Thermie

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Vorwerk International

Join the mixers..become a Thermomix Advisor

Would you like to join the mixers and become a Thermomix Advisor? Earn a free Thermomix? I’m recruiting enthusiastic people to join my team – there’s no cost in joining or business setup fees, just a deposit of £150 for your loan Thermomix.  If you’re an owner, Thermomix TM6 owner,  you can either earn a second TM6 for free or receive a commission from your first sale. I’ve been told that something huge is happening in September and October for us & you won’t want to regret not giving it a go!!

If you are looking for a new opportunity and have time to commit to a new business, are proactive and motivated to succeed, then it might be perfect for you. It’s also a lot of fun as you can see from the photos. We have a huge range of languages and nationalities within our branch, we have a great time and earn commission and other incentives too.

Just this year, I’ve attended a “Mission Possible” All-Advisor conference in Manchester, a high flyers trip to Siciliy, a Leadership Summit in London, and have been invited to the next Team Leader conference in Reading. Conferences and events are one of my favourite parts of this role and I wanted to share some highlights from the year.

Mission Possible, Manchester (January 2022)


These events are a wonderful opportunity to network with other Advisors & Team Leaders from around the country, but also, more importantly for me as a working mother, to have some respite. Work trip away from my husband, kids, cats, cooking and housework…yes, please!

Highflyers Sciliy (May 2022)

Team Leader Summit, London (May 2022)


To find out more about becoming a Thermomix Advisor and earning a Thermomix for free, I hold regular Opportunity Meetings.  I’ll talk you through what being an Advisor entails and how much time you will need to be able to give your business.  You’ll learn about the Thermomix business, the role of advisors, the commitment required, and how you earn a commission.

Remember, we can give you a loan Thermomix where you have a 90-day trial period to qualify as an Advisor and earn your free Thermomix (you only need 4 sales to get your completely free). If you decide not to continue, your borrowed Thermomix is returned to Thermomix UK and you have no financial obligation. Or if you’re an owner, Thermomix TM6 owner,  you can either earn a second TM6 for free or receive a commission from your first sale.

I’m happy to have a chat as to whether this might be for you, just get in touch.  I’m always looking for new enthusiastic people to join my team and if you’re not in my area, I’ll arrange for another lovely team leader to look after you.

If you would like to learn more about how to join the mixers’ as a Thermomix Advisor, then here are my details. Yes, that’s me on the red carpet of Mission Possible. I felt more than a Bond Girl than Tom Cruise’s sidekick on the red carpet, but I’m not complaining. My team and I had a fabulous evening.

Keep cooking up a storm.

Contact me today
Advisor Name: Ankita Stopa
Advisor ID: 800 000 0068
Phone: 07977 563537


One Girl in the Mix

Vorwerk UK and Vorwerk International have recently changed their social media policy, which means for socials such as Facebook and Instagram, I am no longer able to use the name Thermomix or any abbreviation of Thermomix, such as Thermie within my business name. 

This has had a huge impact on the workforce on the ground, who like me have been running their Independent Thermomix. Some of my best friends in the business have been Thermomix Advisors for years with names like ThermieChef to LivingwithmyThermie or Thermbalina. All these will have to be changed in the next few months.

After much deliberation that I have finally worked up the name, “One Girl in the Mix” for both my Facebook and Instagram accounts. It was a resounding yes from all of you that I needed to keep the One Girl in my name, so it was either One Girl and her Journey (detailing my journey with Thermomix…and if you say it fast enough, it sounds like Thermie) or One Girl in the Mix, which is what my Instagram followers voted for. I never thought I’ve ever say that sentence.  I have followers; I have a tribe. Yay!


I’ve managed to get a quick redesign of the logo, so you can now see a little icon that now bridges the two brand names. Yes, it is a picture of me in a Thermoix. Smiling back at you.

This domain will remain unchanged, as will my contact details and other accounts – does anyone even know that I have a YouTube channel? Probably a good thing. But given what’s happening in the world right now (read Coronavirus) I do have plans to revive my YouTube and go live (argh…) to get us through things.

Despite really liking my new social name, it is a huge blow to my business as the name ‘One Girl and her Thermie‘ has been around for longer than most of the staff who make these decisions have worked at Vorwerk UK. It will mean I have to build up the hashtags (#onegirlinthemix) and the audience to get the rankings for the business, which leads many of you to this page.

I’ve been demonstrating Thermomix for more than 10 years now, so in those times have seen the business change from a family run company and Thermomix as a distributor owned by John & Janie Turner to having 3 different Sales Directors under Vorwerk UK as a fully-owned subsidiary of Vorwerk International. With these transitions, we’ve also had countless Marketing hats.  But I am a fan of change, given my marketing expertise (I am Chartered Institute of Marketing qualified), I welcome to see what the new marketing guy has up his sleeve. He certainly has the experience having worked for Tupperware before so hopefully has a grasp of dealing with distributors and business partners with a sales force of over 40,000.  Let’s hope with having worked with a much larger remote workforce, he’ll have the energy and the patience to grow our Thermomix in the UK, raising consumer brand awareness through recruitment.

I go back to my marketing training. Bruce Tuckman, an educational psychologist, identified a five-stage development process that most teams follow to become high performing. He called the stages: formingstormingnormingperforming, and adjourning. Team progress through the stages is shown in the following diagram.

Let’s hope the storming stage which this hiccup in the social media strategy has had will be on the upward curve soon, so we can get back to the performing stage.

So whichever social you follow, please do leave a comment. Or when you are cooking and posting yourself, hashtag me so I can see what you’ve been making. All of this will help the algorithms do their thing.

Stay well and keep cooking up a storm, Ankita