Turn a guess into a success: Thermomix Sensor launched

Turn a guess into a success:  Thermomix Sensor now guarantees recipe success beyond the bowl.


Get Thermomix TM6 plus 30% off the Sensor for purchases this month.

Go beyond the bowl and extend the Thermomix success guarantee to your oven, pan, and barbecue with the new smart thermometer that will help you turn a guess into a success!

Ahead of the festive season, so many choices:

🔥 TM6 Sparkling Black Or Iconic White
🔥 Add sensor for £89
🔥 Total £1278
🔥 Free Limited Edition Travel bag
🔥 Spread costs 36 months 0% finance

Anyone wanting to add our second bowl can add this too!
🔥TM6 Sparkling Black Or Iconic White and Second Bowl £1349
🔥Add sensor £89
🔥 Total £1438
🔥 Free Limited Edition Travel bag
🔥 Spread costs 36 months 0% finance

Application is done over email and uses a soft search to check your qualification rate. Information required: Your full name, email, and mobile phone number.

Contact me today for more information.
Advisor Name: Ankita Stopa
Advisor ID: 800 000 0068
Phone: 07977 563537
Email: Ankita@onegirlandherthermie.co.uk