One Girl and her Thermie

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Cooking classes

Tasty Thursdays are back

As we head into the Autumn and back to routines, I’d like to introduce Tasty Thursdays again. I’ll be hosting demonstrations, workshops, and themed events every fortnight at our branch in Greenwich. My Tasty Thursdays are back from September 16th September from 10:30am-noon, every fortnight.

For those wanting to join me in person at our branch, you are welcome to come on in, cook together, and try the food too. I recently did a cooking class at the branch, and it was so nice to see real people

For those who are unable to come in person, then I’ll be offering virtual access via Zoom.


  • Thursday 16th September – Thermomix and Thermomix Friend
  • Thursday 30th September – Thermomix Seasonal Recipes
  • Thursday 14th October – Thermomix Diwali Treats
  • Thursday 28th October – Thermomix Halloween Treats
  • Thursday 11th November – Thermomix Seasonal Recipes
  • Thursday 25th November – Thermomix Christmas Gifting Ideas
  • Thursday 9th December – Thermomix Christmas Cooking

Booking information:

There are 8 sessions and you do need to book individually for each session so you are sent the correct details for each class.

Hopefully, we’ll see you soon!

Please contact us at or call/ Whatsapp 07977 563537 if you need more information.

Thermomixing with Kids

This is the recording of our Thermomixing with kids class on Saturday 20th February 2021.

As this was primarily a Thermomix Owners Class, we invited our team customer base to cook along with us. Customers didn’t have to make all the recipes, but I highly suggested that they made the pizza and tomato sauce in advance, so they cook along with us. We were joined by our own kids to show how easy it is to cook with a Thermomix even if you are young.

For those who have yet to have a Thermomix TM6 in their kitchen (or kids), don’t worry. My team of Advisors will be ran through each recipe step by step, explaining what we are doing and why you want one of these babies in your kitchen. Join sit back with a  cup of coffee or glass of wine in the comfort of your home, while we showcase the wonders of Thermomix.

I’ll be asking everyone who joins us in the Cook-a-long to upload their photos on social media with the hashtag #onegirlinthemix (@onegirlinthemix) AND #thermomix_east_london (@thermomix_east_london) so we can see your fabulous creations. There may even be a prize for the winning photo ;o)

Do come back to me with feedback on the class, we’d love to hear your comments and also suggestions for future virtual classes. You can do this either by replying to my email, of if you would like to share your feedback publicly, you can do this via this Google link.

Finally, whilst these classes are offered free and to Thermomix customers, during the lockdown, I’m personally asking if you are able to give a donation then please do. I am supporting a charity that helps feeds people. The Trussell Trust has pledged to stop people from going hungry across the country. With more than 1,200 food bank centres across its network, the charity will spend any donations on getting meals to those who need them most right now.  At times like this, I am more aware of those not as fortunate as we may be, so request if you can spare a pound, two or ten, to stop help UK poverty and hunger, then please donate here: 

We look forward to seeing you at the next Cooking Class.

If you would like to book a demonstration or find out more, please contact me on or call/text/ WhatsApp me on 07977 563537.

Thermomix TM6 Vegan

Thermomix Vegan Class

Recording of our team Thermomix® Vegan Cooking Class in January 2021.

It was lovely to share with you some of our vegan favourites with you – we’re sure you’ll agree that life is when you get together and share your love and passion for food.

Recipes we cooked today include:

Turmeric Wellness Shots

Thai Broccoli and Spinach Soup

Vegan Pesto

Plant-Based Parmesan

Healthy Chocolate Mousse

Our Thermomix January offers are available 31st January 2021. Our recommendations are the following which is available online to buy. Three- years extended warranty for just £49. This is an Advisor exclusive so can only be purchased via an Advisor. If you already one, then please do go back to your Advisor. If you don’t, then please do get in touch and I will gladly assign one of my team to look after you.

Have you booked a Cooking Experience with your Advisor yet to claim your free host gift? You can even do this virtually and still invite friends to enjoy the cooking fun. This month you could even earn the Plant-based Kitchen cookbook, just for hosting a virtual demonstration and invite 3 friends to attend. (See host gift attached)

If you’d like to start spreading the Thermomix® love, please speak to your Advisor about how to become an Independent Thermomix® Advisor yourself. Customers make the very best Advisors! If it’s not for you, don’t forget to recommend your Advisor to your friends and family if they’d like to see the Thermomix® for themselves.

As I mentioned, we train every week on a Wednesday at 11 am and have the opportunity to either Earn and Demonstration to get a Thermomix TM6 or if you already have a Thermomix TM6, then you can start on our new owner’s program which starts in February. Lockdown and COVID have never been a better time to join the business with remote training, remote cooking demonstrations and remote classes!

We look forward to seeing you at the next Cooking Class.

If you would like to book a demonstration or find out more, please contact me on or call/text/ WhatsApp me on 07977 563537.