How many times do I get customers contacting me, asking “when the next 0% is?” Well, I can safely say that we won’t be having another zero-percent finance offer in 2022, but I will also like to point out why you shouldn’t wait for a 0% finance offer to buy a Thermomix.
Time-Saving: The Thermomix saves time in both the preparation and cooking of your food. A carrot cake mixture takes 30 seconds, a creamy, smooth custard takes 6 minutes and soup which would normally take 1-2 hours on the hob, will cook in 15 minutes from start to finish. Since I have had a Thermomix, I save 45 minutes to 1 hour in the kitchen every meal. Time is money, and the time I save in the kitchen standing, stirring, chopping etc, means I can do something more productive.
- Space Saving: our Thermomix replaces over 20 other appliances in the kitchen, so you can throw out (or eBay) your other space-consuming kitchen appliances – food processor, bread machine, juicer, coffee grinder, rice cooker, slow cooker, electric whisks, and electronic scales, safely in the knowledge that one machine does it all. I don’t know about you, but the space saving alone is a reason to buy a Thermomix, especially in cities.
- Cost Saving: Although widely used by professional chefs in commercial kitchens, it was designed for use in the home. The serious home cook will benefit from savings of over £1000 a year on food costs and also appreciate the time-saving benefits, including lower energy costs. The average customers saves 10-20% of their weekly shop by the cost savings in not having to buy processed food, or by only buying what they need with Cookidoo’s shopping facility. Many says, that even with more baking and oven usage, their energy bills go down. In today’s market both of these are huge financial savings.
I’ve been a customer and Advisor for so long, that I know these three points to be true. I have also been an Advisor long enough to know that we sold without offers. The Thermomix was x-price and people bought it because of the features, functions & possibilities of how Thermomix could change the way they could by owning one.
Nowadays, where we have regular customer offers, everyone is waiting for that better offers – an additional up-sell gift at a discount, a bundle with a Thermomix Friend or second bowl, a zero-percent finance offer, etc. But rather than wait, let me show you how buying a Thermomix in the month that you want it, in the month that you need it, and in the month that you discover it will always be the wisest option.
Let’s take today for example. I have just been asked when the next 0% finance offer will be. As I said, it won’t come around in 2022 again, but the current deal actually saves more money in the purchase costs than the 0% does anyway.
Let me show you how.
Thermomix TM6: £1189 on our regular 9.9% finance

- If I take the 12-month plan, the total payable amount is £1251, which is £62 more in total. Divide that by 12 months, and it’s £5.16 a month in finance costs.
- If I take the 24-month plan, the total payable amount is £1301.16, which is £121.16 more in total. Divide that by 24 months, it’s £5.04 a month in finance costs.
- You get the idea it’s about £5 a month more.
Thermomix TM6: £1189 on 0% finance

- Yes, there’s no finance payable but the 0% finance is only available on the 12-month plan.
- So for anyone wanting to pay 24, 36 and 48 month payment options, you don’t have access to 0%. You’d have to pay the 9.9% options above.
- In 0% months, we tend to get many applications of consumers not wanting to save money (we all want to save money), but equally we get a lot of declined applications due to affordability.
Thermomix TM6 Black Friday 2022 Offer
Currently, we have a Black Friday offer which is a Thermomix TM6 and a second bowl, for £1219. This is a cost-saving of £139 as a second bowl is priced at £169.

- If I take the 12-month plan, the total payable amount is £1282.56, which is £63.56 more in total. Divide that by 12-months, it’s £5.29 a month in finance costs.
- If I take the 24-month plan, the total payable amount is £1343.04, which is £124.04 more in total. Divide that by 24 months, its £5.16 a month in finance costs.
- It’s still about £5 a month more.
- But here’s the trick. This offer gives you a second bowl with a saving of £139, so actually even paying the finance costs on 12 or 24-month plans and you are still better off than waiting for a 0% finance plan.
- Actually, you’re £15 better off with a second bowl.
As you can see having an Advisor who understands Thermomix/ Vorwerk offers and the many advantages of buying now, rather than crying later. I guarantee you are making the right choice.
Contact me today for more information
Advisor Name: Ankita Stopa
Advisor ID: 800 000 0068
Phone: 07977 563537